Saturday, March 3, 2007

When God makes you go Hmmm

Isn't it incredible when you have an aha moment when you didn't even know that you didn't know. Okay, I understand how confusing that just sounded so let me explain. This week I started on my admissions essays for Wheaton College. One of the essays I had to write was on why I chose my field of study. Now obviously I have been asked that question before and I have my standard generic answers. "I want to help people. I want to be a part of giving unhealthy and overweight people their lives back.....blah, blah, blah," but I don't know that I had ever given it enough thought to really be able to answer this question. See what the question said and what I heard were two completely different things. The question was asking some 18 year old kid why they wanted to be what they wanted to be, ---but what I heard was why at 30 did you decide to uproot your entire life to study Kinesiology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. It was such an aha moment for me because even though I have answered that question a hundred times, this time it seemed like it was being posed not to get an answer out of me, but to give me an answer. I felt like God was beginning to reveal something incredible to me through this seemingly simple question.

So heres the gist of what I came up with..

When I am in a lab with a cadaver (keep reading even if I just grossed you out), I feel closer to God. Much like we feel closer to Him when we study His word. It makes perfect sense that we get to know Him better when we study His truth. But I didn't realize how much closer I feel to Him when I study His art. When I study the amazing design of the human body, I see His magnitude, I see His transcendent genius. If you have never held a human heart in your hands, you cannot understand the gravity. The first time I did, I literally trembled. The way it works, the way it was created. It helps me to see Him and I love that I can be slayed by His grace in such a seemingly secular environment.

So then I had to ask the follow up question. What happens after shool? After the studying is done, how does this fit practically into Gods plan for my life? Another difficult question that required significantly more soul searching. But again, I was given an answer. And it looked something like this.

God created this amazing design for one purpose. To serve Him. And he needs us to be at the top of our game to do this. Consider what your like after you have a long day, late night and early morning. When you get to work after that, you cannot possibly be at the top of your game, and when you are not at the top of your game, you let your company down, your boss down, your co-workers down, your customers down and yourself down. When we don't take care of our bodies so that they are at the top of their game, we let God down. God gave me a passion and a talent so that I could help and inspire people to be at the top of their game so that they are fit to do the job God has planned for them, so they are FIT FOR THE KING.

So I hope this has spoken to you. If God sees fit to keep you on this earth till one hundred only to do a specific job for him at the age of 99, I hope you are fit for the King. I know I wanna be.

And just in case you were wondering, no this is not a sales tactic, I'm not even training yet!!

Take care friends.


Anonymous said...

I heard about your blog and I found it!

I'm glad I kept reading after the cadaver comment...Awesome thoughts Kerrie. Convicting too. I want to be able to give God my very best. Thanks for the kick in the butt.


Anonymous said...

Foiled again!! Kyle beat me to your blog!

Great thoughts. I knew what you meant in the first sentence! God is good to reveal things to use when and where we are not looking...I think he gets a kick out of it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kerrie! For your entry, and your insight. I have never worked with a cadaver, nor am I sure I would want to, but it must be amazing to witness the hand of God in that manner. And yes, your words did speak to me.

Also, thanks for allowing me to drift in, and remain anonymous. Now I won't have to sign off "peepingblogger." Whoops, I just did it!