Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Okay, let me just start of by saying wow, God is good!

My grandma fell and broke her hip, or actually the end of her femur, late Friday and so my sister and I and her kids went down to Indiana a few days ago to be there for her surgery. Of course things like this always bring the family together so I got an opportunity to see my half brother and sister while I was there which generally is reserved for instances just like this. Not that there is a bad relationship, just a lack of one.

Many of you know that my dad was an alcoholic for most of his life. After he and my mom divorced, when I was 6 months old, he got remarried and had 3 more children. Two boys, one girl. The oldest, Jacob, was killed in a car wreck several years ago.

My dad got sober and has been for 10 years. Shortly after he made the commitment, he and my sister Kellie began to re-establish a relationship, and the health of my family began to shift in a very positive direction. Now, 10 years later, my mom, my dad, my sisters and myself all have the makings of a healthy family connection and I see more positive changes with each passing year.

However, the relationship between my dad, and his two children by his second marriage, has been static. When the youngest of them, Jarod, showed up at the hospital, I told Kellie I wished an opportunity would present itself for her/us to have a heart to heart with him about dad. But, being the sinner that I am, I pretty much left it there. I didn't take it to God in prayer as I should have and thus didn't at all expect anything to transpire.

It so happened that dinner was mentioned in the 15 minutes that Jarod was there, and without thinking, I invited him to come with us. No premeditation, no ulterior motive, just a quick you should come as I was walking out the door. He said he would love to.

Later that day, we went to Mr. Gattis, (the best pizza joint ever), and the whole family came with. I don't know how except for divine intervention of God, but as most everyone was leaving, the subject of dad, one that is generally taboo around Jarod, came up. I don't even remember by who. But Kellie and I jumped on it! What transpired from there was totally God at work. About a two hour conversation between Kellie and myself and Jarod that went on even after I went home with the kids.

The conversation, according to Kellie, ended well but she wasn't sure what he thought about it. When he walked into the hospital room the next day, we all three, strangely enough, found ourselves alone and were able to talk again. Jarod was so exposed and real with us! He talked about how he got so much out of talking with Kellie and how he had even sought out shrinks after our brother died that didn't do for him what Kellie had done for him. And she was able to open his eyes about some things. He expressed some real receptiveness to our dad and mostly, a real interest in a more solid relationship with us.

Even as I write it all down, I can hardly believe how it all unfolded. God's hand was all over it. My grandma has the strength of ten women, and we almost considered not even going. And because we did, and for no other reason than we did, (meaning no prayer, no orchestrating, no manipulating) just merely because we were where God wanted us to be, where He had caused a series of events to make sure that we would be, some foundation was laid. Not only to further the healing of my family, but to open a door for Kellie and I to minister to the incredible, bright, handsome, driven, responsible young man. That we both love very much.

How incredible is our God! Even when we aren't doing anything to help, He is still working. I have been so blown away by His power this past year. It sets me on fire and I can not wait to meet HIM!

Thanks to you all that were praying for my grandma. She did so well. She is a rock. She was sitting up already yesterday and today they had her standing, she even took a couple steps. They are planning to transfer her to transitional care for physical therapy sometime today!
Woman is unstoppable.

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