Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My "Idol" vent

Okay, come on already! I don't mean to be insensitive. Anyone who knows me knows I am the total opposite. But does anybody but me think it is ridiculous that Sanjaya malakar is still not kicked off American Idol yet. I am watching week after week thinking, he has to go this week. And still, tonight, NO! He's still there. He is completely out of his league, and is taking a space from someone who deserves it.

So to all you other "Idol" freaks..... if you are voting for him. Please Stop!


Anonymous said...

seriously, this guy freaks me out.

Zach said...

As you know I am not a judgmental person, but I totally agree Sangria (I call him that because he makes me want to drink) needs to go. However I will really laugh if he ends up winning...

Anonymous said...


Wondered if you are aware of the Vote for the Worst campaign - an organized anti-idol movement that picks out the worst singer and urges all their "followers" to screw up idol for voting for him. They are being credited with saving Sanjai - or whatever his name is.

Kerrie Kuntz said...

I actually had heard of that, but obviously I did not give them enough credit. If they are responsible for this, they have a voice, because last week they even managed to keep him out of the bottom two and his performance was honestly painful for me. I can only imagine what it did to you Zach! (not that you're judgmental or anything).

Anonymous said...

Well there's judgement and there's truth. He sucks. I can't watch him because he scares me. They need to give him a fake number or fix the call-in system to negate any of his votes. I'm so afraid about tomorrow.