Sunday, December 30, 2007
If you can read this without laughing out loud.... well...... This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a regular workout routine.
Dear Diary,For my sixtieth birthday this year, my daughter Rachel (the dear) purchased a week of personal training at the local health club for me. Although I am still in great shape since being a high school football cheerleader 43 years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try.I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Keri, who identified herself as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear. My daughter seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.
MONDAY :Started my day at 6:00 a.m. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Keri waiting for me. She is something of a Greek goddess - with blond hair, dancing eyes and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!! Keri gave me a tour and showed me the machines. I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which she conducted her aerobics class after my workout today. Very inspiring! Keri was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time she was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week-!!
TUESDAY :I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Keri made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air - then she put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. Keri's rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT-!! It's a whole new life for me.
WEDNESDAY :The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club parking lot. Keri was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members. Her voice is a little too perky for early in the morning; and when she scolds, she gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying. My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Keri put me on the stair 'monster'. Why the h*** would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Keri told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. She said some other s*** too.
THURSDAY :Keri was waiting for me with her vampire-like teeth exposed as her thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being half an hour late, it took me that long to tie my shoes. Keri took me to work out with dumbbells. When she was not looking, I ran and hid in the restroom. She sent another skinny b**** to find me. Then, as punishment, she put me on the rowing machine -- which I sank.
FRIDAY :I hate that b**** Keri more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic little cheerleader. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat her with it.Keri wanted me to work on my triceps. I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the D*** barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich. The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?
SATURDAY :Keri left a message on my answering machine in her grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing her made me want to smash the machine with my planner. However, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel.
SUNDAY :I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my daughter Rachel (the little s***) will choose a gift for me that is fun -- like a root canal or a hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!
Istn't that the funniest thing ever!!!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Morning Ramblings
I went to a Christmas Eve service with my family last night, and the pastor offered the visual of what the first Christmas Eve must have been like in Heaven. A Father sending his son off to war, just like one might do today, only he didn't just fear his son would die an agonizing death, he knew it. Can you imagine? Now I don't have kids, but I don't think you have to, to understand how hard that must have been. Only he did it, without question. What kind of love is that? It is truthfully still so hard for me to wrap my brain around. I've been raised in the church, it's been a part of my entire life.....but that is still a hard concept to grasp. Imagine whatever it is that you love most in the world. Be it a child, or a parent, sibling, or maybe it is a material posession. Now imagine, gladly handing it over for destruction by people who hate you, for people who hate you. WOW! Doesn't that just make you want to meet him! Man, I can't wait. Talk about Star Struck. We don't know the meaning of the word...yet!
Merry Christmas friends! I hope you all have an awesome day with family and friends. And I hope that whatever gifts you give and receive this season, that you will be reminded of the biggest gift you were given by the one who loves you most.
Friday, November 30, 2007
When is enough enough??
Monday a.m.:
Ordered: Quad Grande non-fat no foam latte x-hot
Received: Quad Grande full fat double foam latte, luke warm
Monday p.m.:
Ordered:Double Tall non-fat no foam latte
Received: Double Tall non-fat double foam latte, very very hot....
Wednesday a.m.:
Ordered: Double Tall non-fat no foam latte, x-hot, reduced fat blueberry coffee cake
Received: Double Tall non-fat double foam luke-warm latte and raw blueberry coffee cake
Wednesday p.m.:
Ordered: Pumpkin spiced Double Tall non fat latte
Received: Not sure exactly
Friday a.m.:
Ordered: Quad Grande nonfat no foam latte
Received: 14 Shot Grande nonfat no foam latte
........ When you get this kind of service and you still continue to go (I'll be making a pit-stop in an hour before I go babysit).... is that bad? Does that denote some sort of problem?????
Is there an AA for starbucks? Maybe I should start one. Or I could just start a coffe shop where you GET WHAT YOU ORDER!!!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
31 Days and Counting
I thought it was just because I was getting very close to two whole days off, which hasn't happened for me in over three months, and I'm sure that played a part in it, because even the thought of it now is giving me some small butterflies. (I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off yesterday and today), but, I realized today that what I was so excited about was that once you pass Thanksgiving, the countdown to Christmas officially begins. My psyche knew that we were almost there and I was filled with this child-like anxiousness. (Is that a word)?
I love Christmas. It is such a feel good time of year. I don't know if it is my own childhood memories of what Christmas was for us, or if I am still just a child at heart, but I reallly realllly love Christmas. I went Christmas shopping this morning and bought for several people on my list and I had a blast. There is just something that happens to my temperament once I get past Thanksgiving. It's as if there's nitric oxide in the air that I'm breathing and I just get goofy.
My favorite things to do from Thanksgiving to Christmas.........
1. Listen to Christmas music..... all the time.
2. Watch Christmas classics like Christmas Story and Grinch.(I'll see at least 2-3 a week from
now till Christmas).
3. Shop for Christmas presents. (You know you are officially grown up when you really have
more fun buying things for your loved ones then you do getting things from them).
4. Send out Christmas cards. (It sounds like a chore, but I love doing it).
5. Decorating. (It's hard because I don't have my own house to decorate anymore, but helping
Kellie is fun too).
6. Load up on the seasonal Starbucks treats. (Precursor to Christmas dinner).
And it all culminates to the big night. Christmas Eve. We will watch It's a Wonderful Life(my tradition) and fall asleep in front of the tree w/ the fireplace lit (their tradition). I'm sooooo stoked.
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving. And...... aaahhhh heck, I don't care how early it is.....Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The drama was about two guys at a Starbucks who hadn't seen each other in a while and proceeded to have a very superficial conversation that didn't even remotely depict what was really going on in their hearts. Out of their mouths, we got to hear the same conversation that we all have every week....."how ya doing, I'm fine. How's the family, their great..."But on the screens, we got to see the "true" conversation.....He has the perfect life, I'll bet my wife wishes she'd married him, I wonder where they're vacationing this year, we're about to lose our house...."
How many times when we encounter an acquaintance, do we this very same thing? Why don't we take the risk to tell them what's really going on with us, or try harder to find out what they're going through?
I am so guilty of it. The odd thing is, that I have such a heart for helping others and have tried, since my wreck, to devote some regular time to volunteering in different capacities. Yet, after today, I think I have just been deceiving myself. What risk is there in pulling up to food bank in my new car carrying my Coach purse and sporting my new Abercrombie sweats to pack food for two hours.
Not that I am trying to dimish the work that we did there. I'm not. Lives were touched and thats dynamite. However, I have the opportunity to touch lives every time I walk out the door, and I don't. I have the "hydroplane" connections. I ask, "how ya doing", and I really want an "I'm good" in response. Why? What am I so afraid of?
Is it that they will find out what a mess I really am? Is it that they will take up too much of my precious time? --Maybe I'm afraid they will find out I'm a sinner? As if they couldn't tell.....
Anyway, I don't have it all processed yet. But how about you? Do you "hydroplane" all day or do you have on your snow tires?
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Christianity 101??
I have been really struggling lately with my prayer life. Not to sound as if I am throwing myself a pity party, I AM NOT. I know everyone is very busy and leads really hectic lives, I just happen to be living "my" busy and hectic life. And it is..... busy and hectic. Between work and school and dealing with the finalizing of stuff from my wreck, medical, monetary, legal, etc, the MAT certification that I have been working on.....blah, blah, blah, my prayer life has just really taken a hit. And obviously, since I am posting about it, it is weighing heavy on my heart.
I do feel a tangible distancing from God when I am not in daily communication with him. I will never quite understand why in my heart it is truely the most important thing to me, yet, for some reason it is always the easiest one to cross off the list when life gets overbooked. So as I have been struggling with this in my brain, I felt like God brought something to my attention that really helped. So I share, even though it makes me look kind of stupid, because I hope it will help someone else.
Basic, I know, but here's what He gave me.
When my prayer life is not what it should be, I, (meaning me and my relationship with God), am not the only one that suffers. All the people, places, circumstances, and situations that God wants me to be praying for, pay a price too. Now, does God bring other people into the mix when I am not carrying my weight. I'm sure, but who are their prayers being taken from, to take up my slack.
It may sound kind of silly. But it has put a huge spin on things for me. It just kind of a double whammy! I got a reminder that my prayer life is not completely personal. It is a responsibility I must own, to my brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as to an entire world who hasn't met Him yet.
How does that change things? Well, in a way, it doesn't. I am still very busy and it's still going to be extreemely difficult to clear my mind every day and not only talk to Him, but pray to Him. But, what's different is, starting now, I am going to try a lot harder to make it happen. And when it doesn't happen, I'm going to make sure to remind myself, that someone who needed prayer today, had to be turned over to someone who was more obedient.
So, there ya go. I hope someone else is able to be touched by my simple minded epiphanies.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
3:10 to Yuma
3:10 to Yuma
Took your advice Tom and went to see 3:10 to Yuma last night. Awesome flick. I was expecting more of an action flick but was pleasantly surprised at the story line.
Russell Crowe was really good as was Christian Bale and the guy that played Crowe's sidekick should totally get an Oscar nod for his performance. He almost stole the show. Great supporting performance. Really good script and a lot of great one liners. All and all,.....huge thumbs up.
Friday, September 7, 2007
New Addition to My Top Five

Or should I say David Web.........
If you haven't seen it..... YOU HAVE TO.... Let me know. I'll go with you.
Monday, August 20, 2007
What to do with a bi-lateral brain.
Mostly, I'm sure because I have a real tendency to take on too much and then something always gets shorted, ....usually it's my sleep. But also, because I just can't seem to figure out how to turn one off, and let the other one loose.
Like writing for example. Some of you know that I love to write. I do it a lot in my spare time. (or at least I used to). I don't share a lot of it with very many people, but it is definitely a passion. But, after a 12 hour day of observing people's quirky and disfunctional squats and laying face down in a biomechanics book to try to figure out what's wrong with them, I can't seem to come home and sit in front of my computer, and all the sudden feel inspired to write a poem, or even produce a creative blog post. I want to, it's just not there.
It's like it has to be one or the other in some way that I don't completely understand, and it is burying me.
I should be looking to God for balance I know, but I don't even know where the imbalance lies or even for sure that there is one. Maybe you do have to pick one or the other. Maybe you can't cohabitate in both worlds like that. Maybe I'm just exhausted and I'm rambling. I don't know.
Anyway, that's my life lately. I don't write, I haven't sat and watched an awesomely produced flick with a killer script, or been to look at a jaw-dropping piece of art in months......but I did spend 18 hours this weekend learning some pretty incredible stuff in the way of Alpha and Gamma motor neurons and their effect on reflex mediated stiffness.
No whitty banter to offer these days, but I sure can give you the low down on why your right shoulder won't externally rotate.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
This is what your brain looks like on 16 hours of MAT
I have been learning to identify and correct malfunctioning muscles, whether from overtraining, injury or just lack of use, (muscles that have shut down); and I am gaining the tools to turn them back on, so to speak, so that now when I train a client, they can do the work correctly with all cylinders firing. It has given me a brand new meaning to "functional exercise".
What an amazing weekend. Long. We started Saturday morning about 8:30 and finished about 5:30 and started again at 8:30 on Sunday and went till about 6:00. There is nothing quite like the sight of a bunch of personal trainers hammering around on each other to try to find weaknesses in the other. Especially when those trainers work together everyday! About half of us were women, so I can't blame it all on testosterone, but whatever was filling that room was it's equivalent.
On a more serious note, I learned so much. This stuff is so amazing. It was as if I had to remind myself a couple times that it's real, it's not voodoo. Our instructor was a guy by the name of Kevin Dunn. He was awesome. He is a PT and also an MAT specialist. I don't know how old this guy is, (I'm probably older than him), but still, I want to be him when I grow up!!!
So there are two more modules. This time we did lower body. Next we will do trunk and spine and then upper body. One will be in August and the final one in September. 4 weeks will go fast and I want to have this stuff down before we start the next one, so I will be looking for guinea pigs y'all.
Anyway, I am so glad I decided to go ahead and start training before I finished school.This weekend totally cemented that decision. I LOVE MY JOB!!!
I hope you all had a great weekend. Long post are okay when you've been on a sort of blogging sabbatical. Right?
Stay tuned, Pictures of my weekend to come soon!!
See ya friends.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
What do you think?
Faith, Love, Morality, Hate
War, Laughter, Joy, Pain
Lies, Hope, Freedom, Despair
Grace, Beauty, Degradation, Fear
Isolation, Strength, Rejection, Strife
Insecurities, Casualties, Compassion, Life
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Need Your iphone Now?
Helpful hints for others like me, who are dying for the iphone, but contractually stuck in a stupid contract with a phone that can now only be seen as unworthy.
Check it out here....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Quote of the Week
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman (attributed)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Sharing Grace
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I have a 5 page research paper due on Thursday, I haven't been able to even make a keystroke for today. I have just been processing my last 5 days alone in the house, which doesn't happen often, and my brain won't quit.
First the Willow Conference. It was such an awesome experience. My buddy Zach Montroy told me a while back that it was possibly at the root of him going into to ministry to begin with, and I can see why. It was humbling, and inspiring, and fulfilling and about a dozen other adjectives that I won't bore you with. Basically, life altering.
Some of my take-aways.....
Seeing David Crowder Band live was awesome. I love them and was shocked when I saw them. I didn't know until they were on stage that they were going to be there.
Attending New Community, (Willow's mid-week service) was so much fun. I am from podunk Indiana and have been to very few services of that magnitude, and it was very fantastic, (in the dictionary sense of the word), to stand there and praise God with David Crowder Band and probably 6,000 other believers. I made a memory. That's for sure.
I attended four really cool break-outs. I got a lot from them all. Probably what I am most excited about, however, is the last one I attended, which was a weekend at Granger. I got to see a media clip in that breakout of a woman's story that I was so inspired by that I plan to quickly turn it into a short story and hopefully a future script for GCC. (we'll see about the latter, since I seem to be struggling with screenplay genre of writing)
....hint, hint Tom Cox. If your out there, I could use some help!
Then there was OHH. What can I say. There are no words. When I laid my head down to sleep Saturday night, I knew in my heart that without a doubt, my Father was smiling. There isn't anything else to say, ya know???? That's what it's all about. What an awesome feeling to know that I played a part in putting that smile on His face. If you picture it literally. You can't help but smile too.
All in all, a week worthy of taking a day off to process. Back to life tomorrow though. Writing an A research paper usually requires doing at least a little research.
Oh, by the way. Personality tests came up during dinner after the conference on Thursday. I hadn't taken one in a very long time, so while vegging today, which for me means sitting in front of the computer for 5 hours, I took one. I am an iNFj. I don't know exactly what that means yet, but I understand that only 1% of the world are this type. Might I just say, before anyone else does... that explains a lot!!!! lol.
have a good week friends!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
10 Things I Learned While Training To Be A Trainer
2. I really am not 25 anymore, as I frequently pretend to be.
3. There are some challenges one can face where espresso is really not your friend (my heart
rate jumped to nearly 200 today).
4. God really does have a sense of humor (For today I was reminded that I actually prayed for
5. Contrary to my longstanding opinion, there are actually situations in which exercise
really doesn't make you feel "good".
6. Personal Training is really more about sales than about training, (ironically the one job I have
intentionally avoided my whole life).
7. I'm tired
8. I'm sore
9. I may be dehydrated
10. I LOVE MY JOB!!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Ode to the Peeping Blogger
Why oh why do you wear your disguise.
I share my thoughts, I lay out my life
These treasures of mine I offer to you
But I would love to hear your thoughts,
Know your life and learn your secrets too.
So when you drop by my site.
My little corner of this world.
I really hope that you just might
Give leaving a comment a whirl.
dedicated to all my friends who begged me to start this blog and then refuse to comment on my posts. i love you.... but you know who you are.....
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Blake Lewis For Idol
He did awesome tonight! That is what I call talent! Go BLAKE!
Feel free to diagree with me,........ZACH!......., But I think he was incredible.
Quote of the week.
-Jay Lenno
I couldn't have said it better myself Jay!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Hello Friends
Man have I been busy. These last few weeks, since Easter, have gone by so fast. As many of you know I am preparing to sit for my CPT exams next weekend. I am also rounding out my semester and rapidly approaching finals week (insert dramatic dum.dum.dum....) I am struggling a bit with keeping organized and calm and mostly my focus in the right place. Why is it when we need God the most, is when we tend to cut ties. Just this morning, as I was driving to class feeling beyond stressed out, it occurred to me, my life has felt out of control all this week.... and I really haven't prayed about it. You would think that it would be second nature, if you love Him and if you trust Him, that you would immediately go to Him when you are losing your grip, but it rarely works that way. At least not for me. So when it dawned on me that I hadn't talked to him this week about what was going on with me, I immediately turned the radio off and started in on a long conversation and an hour later, while I was sitting in my Music Apprec class - out of nowhere a sense of calmness and peace came over me and I just had to say out loud right in the middle of the class, "thank you". I don't think anyone heard me, but I know He did and the rest of my day has looked completely different. Man, how much easier would life be if we always went to God first instead of it being an afterthought. Anyway, there's my sermon.
So what else have I been up to. Well, I saw Wednesday's "Idol" and it was incredible. What unbelievable numbers. I read today that "ONE" has officially been titled the fastest growing movement in history. I have been getting more and more involved for the last couple of months via their website and some contacts I have made from it and have just today emailed someone else about information and beginning stages in hosting a "ONE" event. I am growing very passionate about this movement and have hopes of getting involved on a level where I could create/host an event sometime this summer.
I urge anyone who is not registered with ONE to do so at and most importantly, spread the word. We all know that knowledge is power. We must pull people's heads out of the sand to see what is going on.
I will post more about a possible future event as information unfolds and I urge you to begin praying as to how you can and will get involved.
Have a great weekend friends.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter at GCCC
I don't know what the official number is yet, but I know a lot of souls were won for Christ this weekend and I got to be a part of it! What an honor.
It is so much fun to be a part of a team so in love with God. I get so amazed by the talent and the gifts that God has handed out to some of these people. Even though I know I am doing it for God, I get so much too.
I became a part of the production team at GCC last summer. One of my favorite people in the world, Jay Pape, convinced me that I had to check it out. (Actually he coerced me with coffee, I wonder how he figured out my weakness, I usually hide my addiction so well!) Anyway, I will forever be in his debt for introducing me to something that has blessed me so much. It is an indescribable feeling to know that you had some role in bringing someone to God. Knowing that because of whatever small part you played, this person's life is going to be changed FOREVER!
I am proud to stand on the battle field next to some of the people that I admire most in this world. The Arts Team at Ginger Creek Community Church. Above are some pictures of the team during rehearsals. We look serious, but I assure you, many laughs were shared by all.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Sanjaya Be Gone!
Maybe I have just gotten more invested than is really healthy into such a "pop culture phenomenon", but I am also a talent junkie and this kid doesn't have any. He is ruining my "Idol" experience.
Sanjaya Be Gone!!!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Quote of the Week- Happy Easter!
... Saint Athanasius, 295-373
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
My grandma fell and broke her hip, or actually the end of her femur, late Friday and so my sister and I and her kids went down to Indiana a few days ago to be there for her surgery. Of course things like this always bring the family together so I got an opportunity to see my half brother and sister while I was there which generally is reserved for instances just like this. Not that there is a bad relationship, just a lack of one.
Many of you know that my dad was an alcoholic for most of his life. After he and my mom divorced, when I was 6 months old, he got remarried and had 3 more children. Two boys, one girl. The oldest, Jacob, was killed in a car wreck several years ago.
My dad got sober and has been for 10 years. Shortly after he made the commitment, he and my sister Kellie began to re-establish a relationship, and the health of my family began to shift in a very positive direction. Now, 10 years later, my mom, my dad, my sisters and myself all have the makings of a healthy family connection and I see more positive changes with each passing year.
However, the relationship between my dad, and his two children by his second marriage, has been static. When the youngest of them, Jarod, showed up at the hospital, I told Kellie I wished an opportunity would present itself for her/us to have a heart to heart with him about dad. But, being the sinner that I am, I pretty much left it there. I didn't take it to God in prayer as I should have and thus didn't at all expect anything to transpire.
It so happened that dinner was mentioned in the 15 minutes that Jarod was there, and without thinking, I invited him to come with us. No premeditation, no ulterior motive, just a quick you should come as I was walking out the door. He said he would love to.
Later that day, we went to Mr. Gattis, (the best pizza joint ever), and the whole family came with. I don't know how except for divine intervention of God, but as most everyone was leaving, the subject of dad, one that is generally taboo around Jarod, came up. I don't even remember by who. But Kellie and I jumped on it! What transpired from there was totally God at work. About a two hour conversation between Kellie and myself and Jarod that went on even after I went home with the kids.
The conversation, according to Kellie, ended well but she wasn't sure what he thought about it. When he walked into the hospital room the next day, we all three, strangely enough, found ourselves alone and were able to talk again. Jarod was so exposed and real with us! He talked about how he got so much out of talking with Kellie and how he had even sought out shrinks after our brother died that didn't do for him what Kellie had done for him. And she was able to open his eyes about some things. He expressed some real receptiveness to our dad and mostly, a real interest in a more solid relationship with us.
Even as I write it all down, I can hardly believe how it all unfolded. God's hand was all over it. My grandma has the strength of ten women, and we almost considered not even going. And because we did, and for no other reason than we did, (meaning no prayer, no orchestrating, no manipulating) just merely because we were where God wanted us to be, where He had caused a series of events to make sure that we would be, some foundation was laid. Not only to further the healing of my family, but to open a door for Kellie and I to minister to the incredible, bright, handsome, driven, responsible young man. That we both love very much.
How incredible is our God! Even when we aren't doing anything to help, He is still working. I have been so blown away by His power this past year. It sets me on fire and I can not wait to meet HIM!
Thanks to you all that were praying for my grandma. She did so well. She is a rock. She was sitting up already yesterday and today they had her standing, she even took a couple steps. They are planning to transfer her to transitional care for physical therapy sometime today!
Woman is unstoppable.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sharing a Special Anniversary

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Quote of the week
But I would rather live two miles from hell on the rescue team.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My "Idol" vent
So to all you other "Idol" freaks..... if you are voting for him. Please Stop!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Kerrie's Quote of the Week
Saturday, March 3, 2007
When God makes you go Hmmm
So heres the gist of what I came up with..
When I am in a lab with a cadaver (keep reading even if I just grossed you out), I feel closer to God. Much like we feel closer to Him when we study His word. It makes perfect sense that we get to know Him better when we study His truth. But I didn't realize how much closer I feel to Him when I study His art. When I study the amazing design of the human body, I see His magnitude, I see His transcendent genius. If you have never held a human heart in your hands, you cannot understand the gravity. The first time I did, I literally trembled. The way it works, the way it was created. It helps me to see Him and I love that I can be slayed by His grace in such a seemingly secular environment.
So then I had to ask the follow up question. What happens after shool? After the studying is done, how does this fit practically into Gods plan for my life? Another difficult question that required significantly more soul searching. But again, I was given an answer. And it looked something like this.
God created this amazing design for one purpose. To serve Him. And he needs us to be at the top of our game to do this. Consider what your like after you have a long day, late night and early morning. When you get to work after that, you cannot possibly be at the top of your game, and when you are not at the top of your game, you let your company down, your boss down, your co-workers down, your customers down and yourself down. When we don't take care of our bodies so that they are at the top of their game, we let God down. God gave me a passion and a talent so that I could help and inspire people to be at the top of their game so that they are fit to do the job God has planned for them, so they are FIT FOR THE KING.
So I hope this has spoken to you. If God sees fit to keep you on this earth till one hundred only to do a specific job for him at the age of 99, I hope you are fit for the King. I know I wanna be.
And just in case you were wondering, no this is not a sales tactic, I'm not even training yet!!
Take care friends.
Where are you sunshine?

So the gym has been packed lately. I keep wondering, where are all these people coming from. Then it hits me. Barometers are up. Infection has spread. Everyone has it. It's spring fever. Oh yeah, people are coming out of the woodwork (or just off their couches), to cure it and everyone seems to have an idea of how to do it. You know, lose weight, go shopping, new covertible, whatever. They are all confronting it and with vigor. My friend Katie cut all her hair off. (see above). Fevers can make you delusional but in her case, it worked out. Isn't she cute!
So you may be wondering, what are you doing about it Kerrie. Well, I'll tell ya. As I just learned about cell-mediated and anti-body mediated immunity in A&P (that's Anatomy and Physiology for those of you I just confused), at first I thought, no problem, my God given human immune systems have it under control. Then I realized, (once I finally studied for the exam), that my body wont take care of this kind of antigen. This fever just may continue to grow until I do something about it. So what then? Well my initial reaction, being the gym rat that I am, said....a new lifting program. 10 lbs of muscle by May. I'll look hot! Then I got serious, (i'm a busy girl ya know), and decided........................................................................highlights. That's my ticket!!
So I searched and searched, (Google images is just for these kinds of situations) and found exactly what I want.
No pictures yet, but I promise, the new and improved ready for 90 degrees me, is coming soon to a blog near you. (minus the convertible unfortunately).
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Call To Hopless Romanitics
Written by William Shakespeare in 1609, this poem, and this poet too for that matter, have the best handle on what I think love should look like, of anyone I have ever read. So, all that said, allow me to share with you "Sonnet 116".
Monday, February 5, 2007
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Go Colts
So the "big" game is tomorrow. Being from Indiana, now living in Chicago, with two die-hard Bears fans, it is starting to get a little ugly in the house here. My sister and her husband have gone to Miami for the game, which I am beyond jealous about. (Is that the kind of coveting God was talking about, like should I already be asking for forgiveness here)?I digress, back to the game. Anyway, I have placed bets with several people regarding the score tomorrow(i know, i know, more forgiveness), and I must admit, I am beginning to get a little worried. I am a broke college student and have placed significant faith in my Colts. Let me clarify, significant monetary faith in my Colts. When you do that, doesn't it all seem like a good idea at the time. Like when someone is bashing on the team that you love, you so faithfully come to their rescue with "I'll bet you twenty bucks they kick your butt!" You know, that can get a little sticky though, when everyone and I mean everyone, around you is rooting for the other team. So, I will be watching the game tomorrow on pins and needles. I will either have my next semester paid for - or I will be changing the numbers on my student loan packet. Okay, I exaggerate a little, but still, I could use some Colts fans to be on their knees tonight,...where I will be.