Friday, November 23, 2007

31 Days and Counting

I was in such a great mood on Wednesday. Kellie kept asking me what is wrong with you. Apparently, I am generally a grouch, so when I spent an entire day with a huge smile on my face, it must have forced my sister to assume I was loosing it.

I thought it was just because I was getting very close to two whole days off, which hasn't happened for me in over three months, and I'm sure that played a part in it, because even the thought of it now is giving me some small butterflies. (I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off yesterday and today), but, I realized today that what I was so excited about was that once you pass Thanksgiving, the countdown to Christmas officially begins. My psyche knew that we were almost there and I was filled with this child-like anxiousness. (Is that a word)?

I love Christmas. It is such a feel good time of year. I don't know if it is my own childhood memories of what Christmas was for us, or if I am still just a child at heart, but I reallly realllly love Christmas. I went Christmas shopping this morning and bought for several people on my list and I had a blast. There is just something that happens to my temperament once I get past Thanksgiving. It's as if there's nitric oxide in the air that I'm breathing and I just get goofy.

My favorite things to do from Thanksgiving to Christmas.........
1. Listen to Christmas music..... all the time.
2. Watch Christmas classics like Christmas Story and Grinch.(I'll see at least 2-3 a week from
now till Christmas).
3. Shop for Christmas presents. (You know you are officially grown up when you really have
more fun buying things for your loved ones then you do getting things from them).
4. Send out Christmas cards. (It sounds like a chore, but I love doing it).
5. Decorating. (It's hard because I don't have my own house to decorate anymore, but helping
Kellie is fun too).
6. Load up on the seasonal Starbucks treats. (Precursor to Christmas dinner).

And it all culminates to the big night. Christmas Eve. We will watch It's a Wonderful Life(my tradition) and fall asleep in front of the tree w/ the fireplace lit (their tradition). I'm sooooo stoked.

Hope you all had a great thanksgiving. And...... aaahhhh heck, I don't care how early it is.....Merry Christmas!!!

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