So, I finally took a break today and went to the movies with my sister. We saw the Bourne Ultimatum.
That was one incredible movie. The stunts were awesome. The shots were awesome. The script was awesome. That hunk of a man Matt Damon was awesome. The action started in the first six seconds and literally did not stop till the last 6 seconds. I have totally made a new addition to my top five, thought it should really be called my top six since I can't seem to pick one worthy of knocking off the list.
I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it, though I think I was the only one left on the planet that hadn't seen it. But let me just say.... thankfully, I don't think we have seen the end of Jason Bourne.
Or should I say David Web.........
If you haven't seen it..... YOU HAVE TO.... Let me know. I'll go with you.
it was AWESOME!
If westerns are at all your thing... I highly recommend "3:10 to Yuma"
A great morality study.
I'm with ya....what a great ride...
I'm glad you went with me! I KNEW you'd love it. I might not have guessed how much you'd love it, though. Now, you HAVE to go with me to see 3:10. Glad to see that it got good reviews from my friend Tom. I LOVED it!!! What are you doing tonight?
By the way, did you notice I've left my name (you know what I'm talking about).
I read a review of this movie and the critic said that the Bourne movies prove that smart people like car chases, too.
Keep 'em coming, Matt. I'll keep seeing 'em.
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