Saturday, September 15, 2007

3:10 to Yuma

3:10 to Yuma

Took your advice Tom and went to see 3:10 to Yuma last night. Awesome flick. I was expecting more of an action flick but was pleasantly surprised at the story line.

Russell Crowe was really good as was Christian Bale and the guy that played Crowe's sidekick should totally get an Oscar nod for his performance. He almost stole the show. Great supporting performance. Really good script and a lot of great one liners. All and all,.....huge thumbs up.


Anonymous said...

We had some good discussions about why Crowe's character did what he did in the end. Crisis of conscience? I think it was more than that. That would have been out of character. Was it anger, wishing he had another life, something good inside...

No right or wrong answer. I don't think that gives anything away. But it was interesting and surprising.

Anonymous said...

Also, I didn't notice until the credits that the old Pinkerton guard was Peter Fonda.

Kerrie Kuntz said...

Interesting thoughts Tom. We too had a conversation about that same thing. My original gut reaction was to answer the question with "Loyalty". However, if that's all it was, than wouldn't he have shot is entire crew with no second thoughts who were loyal to him right up to the end.

I would be intersted to know what his sidekick Charlie meant when he said to the rest of the gang as they were going to rescue Ben Wade, "Don't you remember what he did you us".....