Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sharing Grace

New images of my wreck I recieved from my lawyer last week.

I just wanted to continue to share God's amazing grace.

I want to always be a testament to those who need it that He will always take you back!

1 comment:

Robert Kohler said...

Wow..For a minute there I thought that was the wreck that I witnessed on north ave...Looked exactly like that but wow just wow..Well thank goodness your here!!! Scary to think that something like that could happen to any of us..Glad it wasn't your time!! Cuz then I wouldn't have been able to meet yuhzz!!! I know this is so irrelevant but the book "Fight Club"...AMAZINGGGG...and ur movies aren't chick flicks...I just so happen to be a chick flick buff..ok I'm done..CIAO!!!